PEPSlab is the powerful online ingenious facilitator to collaborate the Parents, Teachers and Prudent School on one common interactive & convenient platform.
It simplifies the interaction between parents and teachers as well as reduces the data entry effort through mobile or tablet.
It helps to empower the real time update of student’s performance and activities effectively and securely.
It acts as an overall productivity enhancer on student’s academic growth & time saver.
Effective Interaction & Easy to Use
Enhancing the performance growth by stable monitoring & tracking student’s progress
Automate Time Consuming
Eco friendly (i.e) reduced paperwork
Reduced Human errors
Cloud hosted solution & High end secure access
Performance Enhancer For Prudent School
Attendance module is designed and developed to handle the attendance requirement of school management. Period wise attendance is taken in each class by teachers and helps to find out the absentees and supports them to cover missed-out portions taught the day. Attendance live & instant reporting feature is used to immediately share with parents to help them to keep track of their students’ presence and timely tracking can be accessed by administration and parents to reported absentees. Academic monitoring module is used to schedule, cancel and monitor the academic sessions and extra classes. It simultaneously reflects number of students attended, percentage of attendance and percentage of unit completion of subjects.
Homework and Assignment Module allows the teachers to post homework & assignment with deadlines and provide necessary documents for reference, track the completion, send warnings & reminders, set to prioritize, mark a status with active or inactive. Students can see the homework assigned to them online through the medium of their desk and refer the reference documents uploaded by the teacher. Parents can see the homework assigned to their ward and get it completed on time.
Exam Result module is used to automate the scheduling of examinations, notifying exam details with syllabus to students and parents, automated remainders before exams, result publication and report card printing. Results will be published on the pepslab app providing valuable results analytics to students and parents.
Design the timetable and schedule it with drag and drop option for the students and the staffs keen on the requirement that gets cohesive in the various other modules by the teachers. Daily time-table will be visible to parents and students and all changes to the same will be reflected in real-time manner on the app. Timing and teacher details for each period and notification for change of time table shown on app.
Leave Management module provides the facility to students and teachers for submission of Leave Request under corresponding module & getting the notification for leaves approval online and also get status updates and track your attendance report anytime, and get the intimations & notifications from school anytime.
Hostel management module allows managing all the school hostels efficiently, keeping a attendance record of hostel students ins and outs and hostel consumables and durables efficiently and generating customized Reports for further reference.
SMS management module makes communication with parents quick, easy and hassle free while saving the parents’ time. Schools can send parent -teacher meeting schedule SMS and reminders. Schools can send notifications and alerts about Homework information -group SMS messages, Event Notifications, Class Cancellations, Alert parent of ill children, alert sms on delayed school buses etc., can be sent from school sms software, inform parents easily about children being absent and parents quickly of injuries or illness and advise parents or guardians of students requiring early collection.
Grade Reports module provides the digitalized performance analysis of the students, manage the marks and grade with the ease of technology support. Scholastic & non - scholastic performance skills & wards will be periodically evaluated by the teachers through the app & evaluation reports will be sent to the parents instantly.Parents can access anytime over the performance report in their portal log-in. Instantaneous report generation can be applied for any details and can be shared in the format of print, pdf or excel sheet. Online and timely access to grades by students and parents, as well as real-time parents notifications via email and mobile app. This keeps the school functioning with good track record.
Comments & Remarks Module provides the facility to teachers to post their comments and remarks about students’ conduct activities and class work activities to parents through the app.
Gallery Module is accessed by the admin only for uploading and editing the images and having an option to share the images with the help of the social media platforms. It is used to create the unlimited albums with specific titles, Uploading of unlimited pictures under specific titles and tags and Viewing of the pictures on the mobile app by the parents, teachers as well as the students.
What is PEPSlab ?
PEPSlab is the facilitator to collaborate Parents, Teachers & Prudent School to empower Student's performance effectively and overall productivity enhancer & time saver.
PEPSlab enables with features to acquire kid's day to day activities. It shares the kid's performance improvement to appreciate & issues to address in time.
PEPSlab enables with features to share the Student's improvements/problems to parents in time and reduce manual works with few clicks which saves time.
As PEPSlab covers the Kids day to day performance effectively, this implementation surely shows to world the school as Prudent on Students Performance and future. PEPSlab enables with effective reports for review and analysis.
Ariztid is a niche technology consulting services provider which offers end to end services in the Enterprise Applications. The Ariztid team has combined experience of more than two decades in consulting, building solutions for several clients.
We help our clients overcome business challenges through our effective consulting approach, flexible engagement models and out of the box solutions. Our objective is to enhance profitability and operational efficiencies for our clients through effective implementation of technology and domain expertise.