CMAKE_MINIMUM_REQUIRED(VERSION 2.8.12) set(USE_SSE4_INSTRUCTIONS ON CACHE BOOL "Use SSE4 instructions") # Make DLIB_ASSERT statements not abort the python interpreter, but just return an error. add_definitions(-DDLIB_NO_ABORT_ON_2ND_FATAL_ERROR) # Avoid cmake warnings about changes in behavior of some Mac OS X path # variable we don't care about. if (POLICY CMP0042) cmake_policy(SET CMP0042 NEW) endif() if (CMAKE_COMPILER_IS_GNUCXX) # Just setting CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE should be enough to set # -fPIC for GCC but sometimes it still doesn't get set, so make sure it # does. add_definitions("-fPIC") set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE True) else() set(CMAKE_POSITION_INDEPENDENT_CODE True) endif() # To avoid dll hell, always link everything statically when compiling in # visual studio. This way, the resulting library won't depend on a bunch # of other dll files and can be safely copied to someone elese's computer # and expected to run. if (MSVC) include(${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_DIR}/../../dlib/cmake_utils/tell_visual_studio_to_use_static_runtime.cmake) endif() add_subdirectory(../../dlib/external/pybind11 ./pybind11_build) add_subdirectory(../../dlib ./dlib_build) if (USING_OLD_VISUAL_STUDIO_COMPILER) message(FATAL_ERROR "You have to use a version of Visual Studio that supports C++11. As of December 2017, the only versions that have good enough C++11 support to compile the dlib Pyhton API is a fully updated Visual Studio 2015 or a fully updated Visual Studio 2017. Older versions of either of these compilers have bad C++11 support and will fail to compile the Python extension. ***SO UPDATE YOUR VISUAL STUDIO TO MAKE THIS ERROR GO AWAY***") endif() # Test for numpy find_package(PythonInterp) if(PYTHONINTERP_FOUND) execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import numpy" OUTPUT_QUIET ERROR_QUIET RESULT_VARIABLE NUMPYRC) if(NUMPYRC EQUAL 1) message(WARNING "Numpy not found. Functions that return numpy arrays will throw exceptions!") else() message(STATUS "Found Python with installed numpy package") execute_process( COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} -c "import sys; from numpy import get_include; sys.stdout.write(get_include())" OUTPUT_VARIABLE NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH) message(STATUS "Numpy include path '${NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH}'") include_directories(${NUMPY_INCLUDE_PATH}) endif() else() message(WARNING "Numpy not found. Functions that return numpy arrays will throw exceptions!") set(NUMPYRC 1) endif() add_definitions(-DDLIB_VERSION=${DLIB_VERSION}) # Tell cmake to compile all these cpp files into a dlib python module. set(python_srcs src/dlib.cpp src/matrix.cpp src/vector.cpp src/svm_c_trainer.cpp src/svm_rank_trainer.cpp src/decision_functions.cpp src/other.cpp src/basic.cpp src/cca.cpp src/sequence_segmenter.cpp src/svm_struct.cpp src/image.cpp src/rectangles.cpp src/object_detection.cpp src/shape_predictor.cpp src/correlation_tracker.cpp src/face_recognition.cpp src/cnn_face_detector.cpp src/global_optimization.cpp ) # Only add the Numpy returning functions if Numpy is present if(NUMPYRC EQUAL 1) list(APPEND python_srcs src/numpy_returns_stub.cpp) else() list(APPEND python_srcs src/numpy_returns.cpp) endif() # Only add the GUI module if requested if(NOT ${DLIB_NO_GUI_SUPPORT}) list(APPEND python_srcs src/gui.cpp) endif() pybind11_add_module(dlib_python ${python_srcs}) target_link_libraries(dlib_python PRIVATE dlib::dlib) # Set the output library name to dlib because that's what and distutils expects. set_target_properties(dlib_python PROPERTIES OUTPUT_NAME dlib)